Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our son, Tristan getting ready to leave for ALERT Academy. We are very proud of you!!

A MOTHER comes equipped with an internal anxiety meter. It's right in the middle of her heart and has each child's name engraved on it. There are certain phrases in the Engligh language that cause it to jump and spin..."Mom, my teacher wants a conference with you right away!" "Mom, remember how long Susie's hair used to be? We've been playing beauty parlor and..." "Hello, This is the school nurse. We've been checking for head lice and..." "Mom, Jamie's mother is on her way over and she looks mad!" "Mom, remeber the pretty flowers that used to be n the front of Mr. Crabb's house? Here, these are for you..."
These are the standand meter spinners. We also have our family's encounters with each other, interaction with the neighbors, school friends, teachers, and others not to mention the phyical dangers our children are exposed to each day.
During the early years of their lives we nurture and prepare these little birds in the nest. Then it becomes time to let them try their wings in all kinds of new situation-social, emotional, physical, and even interectual. As we watch these solo flights we are proud, but a little scared; hopeful, but a little apprehensive. We want to stand back and give them room to soar...but at the same time we want to hold their hands.
But we do release them into the world. And our anxiety meters begin to spin.
But the same God who gave us our children-these precious gifts of his love-is worthy and able to take care of them. He is worthy of our complete trust.
TRUST: A conscious act of placing each child in his hands. With that act comes a beautiful awareness that through each experience-social, emotional, physical, and interrectual-he is at work in their lives. He is molding them into what he would have them become. Turning even what we preceive as hurtful into his good. Turning their failures-and ours-into footsteps...footsteps toward himself.

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